The Best Funny Hinge Conversation Starters
Funny Hinge conversation starters include asking a woman for a guilty pleasure and misspelling words purposely. Starting conversations with women is easy when using humor in an opener.
This post shares 5 funny Hinge conversation starters that get responses from women. I include screenshots showing you the effectiveness of each approach.
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Before messaging women, make sure your profile on Hinge is good. Check out my blog post to ensure your profile is up to par, How To Fix Your Hinge Profile In 7 Easy Steps.
1. Using humor commenting on a woman's profile.
The best way to use humor is commenting on a woman's profile on Hinge. It's important to understand that humor is subjective - we all find different things funny.
It's well worth the risk of attempting to comment on a woman's profile to make her laugh somehow. Anything a woman shares in her prompts is fair game.
Below is an example of an opener on Hinge. I comment on Sheki's prompt using humor describing myself using adjectives. The message below is somewhat cocky but effective.
One important point - I like finishing my opener with a statement or question after my opening joke. That way I don't leave the message hanging. In the example above, you see that I share with Sheki that I also enjoy cooking.
If a woman's prompt doesn't allow you to find something to comment on, focus on her photos. Humor is a good approach when mentioning a picture in your opening message.
Stay away from dirty jokes or low-brow humor in your icebreakers. Definitely don't insult women either. Keep your joke light, friendly, and positive.
2. Ask a woman for a guilty pleasure.
We all have a guilty pleasure or two. These might be seen as trashy or embarrassing, like a silly show or trashy novel.
A guilty pleasure may be silly for some, but it's a great way to break the ice on Hinge. Below is an example of this approach in action.
Note in my message above that I share one of my guilty pleasures. Whenever you ask a woman about something, it's a good idea to share something about yourself.
Use this funny icebreaker on Hinge to grab a woman's attention. It's fully flexible, so you can modify it to your liking. Below is an example to Pamela where I insert a cocky line about "hot guys named Chris." You see its effectiveness at making her laugh.
3. Start your opener with a personality question.
One of my favorite openers is starting the message with a "quick personality question" followed by something funny. The beauty of this message is you can literally ask anything.
Start your message with "quick personality question," followed by anything that comes to mind. Here are things you can ask:
- Guacamole in burritos? Yes or no?
- Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu? Which is your favorite?
- Beer, wine, or cocktails? What's your go-to at happy hour.
Do you want to push the envelope? Go ahead. Below is an example of an opener where I ask the woman not to grope me.
Try approaches of your own. You'll be surprised at how often women respond to this icebreaker.
4. Ask a woman something cool about herself.
A good way to start a conversation is going beyond a woman's profile. Ask her to share something cool either people don't know or not found on her profile.
Remember, when using this approach, share something cool about yourself. Sharing something about yourself boosts the likelihood a woman will respond.
5. Misspell words on purpose in your icebreaker.
I saved one of the funnies icebreakers on Hinge for last. You purposely misspell a work in your opening message, then (and this is important) send a second message pointing out the blunder.
Note - you only use this approach when you can immediately send a second message. This occurs on Hinge when a woman likes or comments on something in your profile.
This message isn't effective as a one-shot message. Meaning when you send a message to a woman who hasn't liked you, you cannot send a second message.
It's the second message that makes this approach effective. Below is another example where I use "hooker" instead of "hiker."
I could easily have said "Hooker" (and nothing else) in the icebreaker above and sent the message. It probably would still get a laugh, but instead, I added more information after the word "hooker." Playing on the word makes it highly effective.
I love this approach. It rarely fails because it's so funny.
Final Thoughts
Humor is always a good choice for your icebreakers on Hinge. You are off to a great start if you can make a woman smile (and laugh).
Hopefully, this post stimulates creativity for your openers. Don't be afraid to use humor in your opening messages.
Remember, humor is subjective, so some women may laugh at your message while others may not. It's worth the risk to use a funny opening message on Hinge.