10 Things To Never Write On Your Dating Profile
The written section profile of your dating profile is critical to your success. You don't want to scare women away by making a blunder in this section. So what are things you should never write on your dating profile? The list is long but I want to share 10 of the top offenders made by guys.
If you're new to online dating or a seasoned veteran, if you're seeing less than stellar results or just want to know if you're doing it "right", be sure to check your dating profile against this list of 10 things you should never write on your dating profile and make changes to fix your profile if needed.
1. Don't show a lack of effort.
The effort you put into the written section of your dating profile shows women how much effort you'll put into a relationship. If you're written section is brief like the photo below, very few women will contact you because it shows you're not serious about meeting someone or are just plain lazy.

Do this instead: Sit down and create a dating profile where you share your passions, interests, and hobbies. All you have to do is choose 3 or 4 things that you enjoy doing and write about them on your profile. Simple.
2. Don't make women do the work.
Countless men write "just ask" on their profile expecting women to read their profile and contact them just like this guy:

Talk about lazy. Don't expect women to contact you if your profile basically tells them they need to ask you questions. You're the man and should be pursuing the women; it's not the other way around.
Do this instead: Put some effort into your dating profile and assume women are going to contact you. "Just ask" is meaningless because if women want to contact you and ask a question, they will. There's no need to tell them to ask you.
3. Don't list what you don't like.
This is your opportunity to show your strengths, passions, and interests. You know, share what makes you happy. You should never share your "dislikes" which this guy does:

Sharing what you "dislike" brings a negative energy to your dating profile. I assure you women aren't going to read your list of dislikes and think "Oh, this guy dislikes drama and so do I. We're a match!" That will never happen so why bother including what you don't like?
The idea of your profile is to create a connection with the women reading it and it's best to ditch negative things you don't like on your dating profile.
Do this instead: Share what you like. Duh. Seriously, write things you like to do and what makes you happy. Focusing on positive things will draw a lot more women to you over sharing what you "dislike."
4. Don't talk about an ex-girlfriend.
Don't bring up your ex on dating profile especially if you're going to talk bad about her. For example, look how this guy brought up how all of his exes's cheated on him:

Talk about a mood killer. Bringing up the topic of "cheating" is a surefire way to crush any chances of success. Might as well add how you "hate puppies, babies, and rainbows" on your profile as well.
Do this instead: Don't talk about your ex-girlfriend, ex-wife or ex-anything. Focus on what you're looking for and leave the past in the past.
5. Don't attack women.
Nothing says "bitter jerk" like going on the offensive against women in your dating profile like this guy:

Here's a news flash, women are going to analyze everything on your profile. They'll go through your dating profile with a fine-toothed comb so everything you share is fair game. Don't go on the offensive attacking women over your beliefs.
A woman may read through your profile and see you have similar interests and then she sees a statement attacking women and its game over pal. Never write on your dating profile any type of statement attacking someone who is reading it.
Do this instead: If your beliefs are important (politics or religion, for example) go ahead and share them with pride. Be an adult and share why they're important to you instead of throwing a tantrum because some women may not like what you have to say.
6. Don't share what you aren't looking for.
Another thing you should never write on your dating profile is what you "aren't looking for." Again, your profile should evoke a smile on women's faces as they read it. Women want a man who knows what he wants and not what he doesn't want.

The guy above isn't on a dating site for drama. Here's a newsflash; nobody joins a dating site looking for drama so there's no need to share that information. It's a given.
Writing what you're "not looking for" is a waste of space and only makes you look angry, jaded and bitter. So, don't list you aren't looking for:
- Drama
- Games
- Hookups
- Casual sex
- Overweight women
- Trump supporters
- Liberals
Do this instead: Write what you are looking for. A relationship? A travel companion? Love? Happiness? All better topics than "avoiding drama."
7. Don't lecture women.
Women don't want to be talked down to on your dating profile. There's no need to tell women something you think they don't know. Women are smarter than you; deal with it. Don't patronize women or be condescending to them on your dating profile. You'll show women you're true colors; you're a jerk.

Do this instead: Share what you're looking for in a partner in an upbeat positive fashion.
8. Don't give women reason's not to choose you.
Another blunder men make is sharing reasons "not" to choose them like the guy below. He shares how Church is important to him and tells women if Church isn't important to them (the reader) then they won't be a good match. Thanks, Captain Obvious. Like this guy, never write on your dating profile why a woman won't be a "good match" with you.

If a woman doesn't want to date a guy because of something they see on his profile, they simply won't contact the guy. There's no need to write that "we won't be a good match." It's a given.
Do this instead: Ditch anything telling women how you aren't a good match. If Church is important to you like the guy above, sharing why it's important is a much better alternative to telling women you aren't a good match.
9. Don't rant on your dating profile.
Online dating can be frustrating but don't let it agitate you to the point where you take to express your anger on your dating profile.

I just shake my head reading a profile like the one above. Talk about bitter. Your profile should be positive and nothing good will come from you "going off" on your dating profile.
Do this instead: Take your frustrations out elsewhere; the gym or go outside and get some fresh air. Lashing out at women on your dating profile isn't attractive. Always keep your profile positive and upbeat. You want women to smile when they read your profile.
10. Don't write you're only "checking it out."
Don't write you joined a dating site because you want to "see what's out there" or are there "checking things out." These type of statements show women you aren't serious and have no clue what you want.
Women don't want men who are wishy-washy and indecisive. They want a guy who "takes charge" and saying you're just "checking it out" is not a confident way to start your profile.

Do this instead: Own it! You're on a dating site for one reason; to meet someone. So start your profile with these words, "I'm here for a relationship" or step up and write what you're looking for. Even if you're looking for something casual you'll do better if you say it from the outset.
10. Final Thoughts
A well-rounded dating profile is key to meeting women. Do it right and the sky's the limit. You will meet women; a lot of women. However, all too often men make blunders like the ones above.
If you made any of these mistakes take them off right now. You're aren't doing yourself any favors. Just one of these types of mistakes is catastrophic to your chances of getting an email from a woman.
If you'd like more dating profile tips, visit my page 10 critical dating profile tips.
Thoughts? Share things you think you should never write on your dating profile below.