What Are The Best Online Dating Profile Tips For Men
Some of the best online dating profile tips for men include checking your grammar, using diverse photos, and keeping your bio 100% positive. The effort you put into your dating profile shows women how serious you are about meeting someone. You must take time and highlight you're a man worth meeting.
It's not all about your photos, so don't underestimate your complete profile. Hinge found 57% of women said they didn't respond to men's messages because they "took a closer look at the person's profile..."
Most men put zero effort into their dating profile or make countless blunders that crush any chance of success. Also, some men have no idea their profile has issues and think their profile is pretty good.
You may think you have an OK profile, but OK doesn't cut. OK means average; what you need is a great dating profile. A profile so good it causes women to start conversations with you like this:

A well-written bio can cause women to message you first!
Follow the 10 dating profile tips below. You'll have an eye-catching dating profile which makes you more appealing to women, increases your response rates, and get dates.
1. Check your grammar.
Good grammar is critical for your success on dating apps. Studies have proven women gravitate towards men of the same education level. The last thing you want is to appear uneducated because of bad grammar.
Spelling mistakes show you're so lazy. You couldn't take a few minutes to give your profile a grammar check, and instead put up a sloppy representation of you. Bad grammar shows you could care less about how you appear.
There is no disputing a profile with bad grammar is the kiss of death. Here are a few facts about how grammar impacts your results on dating sites:
- Match.com study revealed 96% of women think grammar is essential.
- Zoosk found that spelling errors in your dating profile result in 13% fewer messages from women.
- Poor spelling and grammar mistakes are the biggest turnoffs, according to Elite Singles.
- An analysis by Grammarly, a proofreading company, revealed that a man with two spelling mistakes in his online profile was 14% less likely to receive a positive response from women viewing his profile.
Do yourself a favor and copy and paste your profile into Microsoft Word or an online grammar tool so you can check for errors. It may make a difference whether a woman contacts you or not.
2. Put some effort into your bio.
Your written bio is the most important piece of your dating profile. One of the top dating profile tips is put effort into your self-summary. It's more important than your photos; Match.com found nearly 70% of women contact you based on this section of your profile alone.
This woman on Tinder sums it up perfectly. You see her frustration with men who write nothing about themselves.

Your results will suffer on dating apps if you write little to nothing in your bio.
Why is it important to put effort into your written bio? Because your self-summary shows women how serious you are about looking for a partner.
A well crafted, funny, informative, confident, witty, yet serious "about me" section has a significant impact on your success. Take some time when doing thing section.
Don't just write "Just ask" or "I'll get back to this later," as so many men do. Take this guy; can you honestly expect women to respond to your messages when you have a bio with zero-depth like this:

A bio like this shows women you aren't serious about online dating.
The guy above only used the word "travel" which is boring. Everybody uses the word "traveling" and leaves it at that. A better approach is adding depth about traveling like this:
"Traveling is my passion. Visiting exotic locations allows me to connect with other cultures and people. You haven't lived until you've gone snorkeling in the Ko Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. Oh, the food is incredible too."
Choose a few of your passions and interests and describe why you like them and how they make you feel. The benefit is a woman may send you a message based on a great description in your bio.

A well-written bio can prompt women to send messages first.
Another huge benefit of a well-written bio is dating sites present your profile to women based on the information you write in it. Below is an example on how OkCupid shows men to women.
In this case, a woman on OkCupid described how she likes traveling and shared she was politically liberal in the questionnaire all members answer when signing up. You see how OkCupid presents her matches based on these settings.

Some dating apps present you to women based on words found in your bio.
OkCupid, and other dating sites do this for whatever you write about in your bio; hiking, pets, wine, travel, etc. The fact dating apps present you to women this way should prompt you to put more effort into your self-summary.
3. Ditch the negativity.
One of the most important dating profile tips is your self-summary must be 100% positive. Plentyoffish found that users with positive identifiers in their profile received 23% more incoming messages.
Your profile shouldn't share how you aren't "looking for games" or "swipe left if you have drama." Below is a profile example from POF; the guy tells women reading his profile to "keep it moving" if they drink, smoke, or need pills to have fun.

Don't write anything negative on your bio.
Your profile should show your strengths and that you're a man of quality. Too often, men include negative statements on their dating profiles sharing what they aren't looking for on the site.
It's off-putting, distracting, and kills any chance of a connection when you vent about something. Never tell women to stay away for whatever reason. Negativity is an instant attraction killer because you appear jaded.
The correct approach is always to write what you are looking for; do it in a fun and positive fashion. The goal of your profile is to show common interests and put a smile on a woman's face; always remember that.
4. Show some confidence.
Don't start your bio with sentences like "I've been told" or "My friends say." These phrases make it appear as if you're hiding behind someone's description of you. You're a man, own up to who you are.
Take this guy below who starts out sharing how talking about himself isn't one of his "favorite subjects." Nobody likes describing themselves, but it's something we all do. This introduction doesn't show humbleness; it shows he's insecure.

Starting your bio like this shows a lack of confidence.
A better approach is coming out of the gates exuding confidence. I'd start my profile like this; "I'm a charming, educated, active, devastatingly handsome man who is looking for a relationship." That's confidence and women react to it more than an insecure statement like the one above.
Another tip is to avoid using words that show a lack of confidence in your bio. These words include:
- maybe
- would
- if
- would
- hope
- can
Anytime you choose to use one of these words, read the sentence out loud. You'll hear how passive the sentence sounds. Take the guy below, I want to pull my hair out when I see men write things like this on their bio because it's so non-confident.

Avoid words like "if" on your bio; always assume women will contact you.
Also, you must exude confidence in your photos. Confident people sit up straight and stand tall. If your sitting down in a photo push your chest out.
Here are a few ways to show confidence in your photos:
- No slouching
- No hunching over
- Keep your head up
- Stand tall and stand proud
- Smile
- Raise your arms up (optional)
5. Have a diverse photo portfolio.
Your profile must have various photos. Car selfies and pictures taken around your home won't land you many dates.
OkCupid found, "People who have pictures of themselves doing something interesting have a 40% higher chance of receiving more messages." What this means is do something fun; hiking, wine tasting, playing sports in a recreation league, chasing your dog at the park, traveling, etc.
Hinge found sports photos get a significant amount of likes. You’re 45% more likely to get a like on sports-related photos than the average pic.

Profile tip: Get outside and do something active!
Lastly, smile in your photos. It's the first thing women look at in your picture. A smile works wonders; according to Match.com, 71% of women judge a man by his teeth, so flash those choppers.
The key is a natural, free-flowing smile. A smile signals kindness, friendliness, and means your approachable.

The first thing women look at in your photo is your smile.
6. Keep your profile consistently fresh!
One of the dating profile tips most men ignore is changing your profile every few weeks; and at least once a month. Updating your profile with new photos or swapping out stuff in your self-summary keeps it fresh and current.
Updating your profile also increases the likelihood a woman, who overlooked you in the past, contacts you because of something new you added to your bio. Keep your profile in line with the time of year.
If it’s summer, write about your summer tips and use photos from your travels. Maybe you found some new hidden restaurant or hiking trail in your city, write about it on your bio. Add a picture of yourself on a trail you hiked.
If it's winter, share photos of yourself doing whatever it is you do during that time of the year; for example, skiing. The point is you're giving women a picture of your lifestyle at that moment.
I see mistakes all the time where guys use Christmas photos in July or Halloween photos in April. Most guys put up a profile and never change it, which is a huge mistake.
Your profile gets stale if you leave it as is. You never know the impact a new photo or tweak to your self-summary can make on women.
7. Check for red flags.
I mentioned earlier that you should avoid negativity, but there are other red flags you might overlook on your dating profile. Take this guy on Match.com; he's 40 years old, and his age range is 21-36.
A gigantic age gap is a huge red flag to women looking at his bio. Believe me; women look at everything on your dating profile. Nothing screams "creepy" like a 40-year-old man who has a 21-year-old as his low-end date range.

An age gap this wide is a huge red flag to women.
Remember this; everything on your profile is fair game. Women go through your bio with a fine-toothed comb for the following reasons:
- Women want to make sure you're an actual match.
- Women want to feel safe and sure you aren't a creep.
Look at the photo below from OkCupid. The guy shares he's looking for basically every type of relationship; long-term dating, a short-term dating, friends, and hookups.
This selection of every type of relationship is another red flag with women. I can guarantee you this guy does poorly and is probably not aware he selected all the options on his relationship setting.
Women who want a relationship will not waste their time with a guy looking for hookups.

Pay attention to your answers to questions on dating apps.
8. Show you're available.
You must show women you're open to a relationship; meaning you have time for one. An experiment examined what matters more on dating profiles to women; attractiveness or emotional availability.
When given a choice between a sexy but emotionally unavailable man or someone who is less attractive but appears caring and emotionally responsive, women preferred the more emotionally available person.
Don't write how many hours you work, how you are always busy but will make time for someone, or how you're "career-driven" and "focusing on your business" right now.
You're on a dating site because you're looking for a long-term relationship, not a job nor a distraction from work. Showing you're emotionally available is easy.
Write on your bio how you are "active and love cooking healthy meals" and are "looking for a woman who enjoys the outdoors and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well." It show's your open to letting someone into your life, which is what women want to see on your profile in the first place.
9. Join multiple dating apps.
I am a huge proponent of joining multiple dating apps when looking for a relationship. You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket; joining multiple dating apps exposes you to more potential matches.
However, don't join more than two dating apps. Being a member of three dating apps is too much work and overwhelming. Two is perfect.
I recommend joining a site such as Match.com, OkCupid, POF, Jdate, Zoosk, and then use an app as your second; Bumble, Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel, Tinder.
The key for this working is making sure you know what you want. If you mindlessly swipe right on every woman's profile, you may end up overwhelmed even on one dating app.
Only join multiple apps if you know what you want and plan on sticking to it. Too often men see a hot girl, and all bets are off. They forget why they joined a site and try to talk to every hot woman they come across.
10. Show you're not a creep.
The most critical dating profile tip is showing you're normal. Women have a huge pool of men to choose from, so it's critical you show you're not a creep. Your bio must show you're a positive guy, with varied interests, employed, stable (no negativity), have a warm, welcoming smile, and sane.

Saying you're a nice guy and pleading for attention is the ultimate turnoff with women.
Final Thoughts
Creating a good dating profile isn't difficult. Your goal is showing women you're normal, fun, have varied interest, a man of quality, and worth meeting.
Follow these dating profile tips in mind as you create your profile. These tips will certainly give you an edge over men who put zero effort into their bio.
- Check your grammar.
- Put some effort into your bio.
- Ditch the negativity.
- Show some confidence.
- Have a diverse photo portfolio.
- Keep your profile consistently fresh!
- Check for red flags.
- Show you're available.
- Join multiple dating apps.
- Show you're not a creep.
Follow the dating profile tips above, and you'll stand out because the majority of men don't know what they're doing or simply don't care.